Thursday, September 27, 2007

6th Grade Additional Test Prep - Chapter 14

Tables and Graphs
Directions: Match the information in Column I with the best way to display it from Column II. Write the letter of the correct term in the blank at the left. A letter may be used more than once.
Column I
Column II
a. bar graph b. circle graph c. line graph d. table
_____ 1. amount of rainfall in an area each month for a year_____
2. how the constellations change position over several hours_____
3. percents of the most abundant metals in Earth's crust_____
4. percents of the different gases in the atmosphere on Mars_____
5. daily high and low tide times for a week_____
6. how a sound wave travels through the air

Directions: Use the paragraph below to complete question 7.
Some animals can live much longer than others. For example, both the golden eagle and the blue whale have a maximum life span of more than 80 years, while a guppy's maximum life span is only five years. A giant spider may live 20 years, a lobster 50 years, and a crocodile may live 60 years.
Make a chart and draw a graph to display the data given in the paragraph.

What is science?
Directions: List the steps that are usually followed in scientific methods.
What does SI stand for?
Directions: Match each unit with what it measures by writing the correct letter in the space provided.
_____ 9. meter
a. length
_____ 10. liter
b. mass
_____ 11. kilogram
c. volume
Directions: Answer the following questions on the lines provided.
Suppose a scientist wants to test a new drug to fight the flu. The scientist injects the drug into three people with the flu. The scientist injects a harmless solution into three other people with the flu. In this experiment, what is the variable group and what is the control group?
Why is it necessary to follow safety rules in the science laboratory?
What is the difference between a theory and a scientific law?

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